
¡En SOLE Colombia ya hacemos parte de Global Giving!


Sanjay Fernandes


July 9, 2018


9 min.

El pasado 6 de julio de 2018, Global Giving anunció que 99 nuevas organizaciones sin fines de lucro se han unido a Global Giving, entre las cuales está SOLE Colombia.

Cada una de las organizaciones ha participado en GlobalGiving’s Accelerator, un programa de capacitación virtual y una campaña de crowdfunding que ayuda a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro a llevar su recaudación de fondos en línea al siguiente nivel.

Gracias a quienes donaron a nuestro proyecto «Re-empower 130+ local educators in rural Colombia«, hemos logrado recaudar al menos  $ 5,000 USD de 40 donantes diferentes en junio de 2018 y con esto ganamos un espacio permanente como miembros de Global Giving.

Ahora el reto es alcanzar nuestra siguiente meta y así llegar a muchas más personas y comunidades. Agradecemos especialmente a cada persona que nos ha apoyado por creer en nuestra causa. ¡Entre todos estamos cambiando el futuro del aprendizaje en la Colombia rural!

Compartimos con ustedes el comunicado en inglés que escribe Global Giving sobre SOLE Colombia.

Fundacion SOLE Colombia Succeeds in GlobalGiving’s Accelerator, Becomes Recognized Partner of GlobalGiving

(July 6, 2018) Fundacion SOLE Colombia announced today that they have graduated from the GlobalGiving Accelerator program, gaining entry into the GlobalGiving marketplace and becoming a recognized partner of GlobalGiving. As part of the Accelerator, Fundacion SOLE Colombia successfully raised $5,469 from 60 unique individual donors to support their project, «Re-empower 130+ local educators in rural Colombia.»

We’re thrilled to have Fundacion SOLE Colombia as part of our community. Fundacion SOLE Colombia has met our rigorous vetting standards for trust and community support, and we’re committed to providing tools, training, and support as they learn, grow and become more effective,» said Mari Kuraishi, President and Co-Founder of GlobalGiving. «GlobalGiving donors value the opportunity to support nonprofits like Fundacion SOLE Colombia, knowing that they’ll get regular updates about how their donations are put to work.»

SOLE Colombia promotes Self-Organized Learning to tackle the lack of quality education across rural Colombia. To continue our upscale strategy, we want to create an online course to inspire and train a pilot group of 130+ educators living in 26 rural regions where demobilized ex-combatants have settled. These educators will empower their communities to learn how to learn collaboratively using the Internet. Our goal is to reach the 180 municipalities most affected by the armed conflict.», said Sanjay Fernandes, project leader at Fundacion SOLE Colombia. «Visit our project, ‘Re-empower 130+ local educators in rural Colombia’ to learn how even $10 can make a difference: We’re $4,731 away from our overall goal of $10,200.»

About Fundacion SOLE Colombia

SOLE Colombia aims to transform the future of learning in Colombia by empowering thousands of educators, librarians and community leaders with the SOLE methodology. We do this by making use of existing computers and internet in public places and designing strategies for self-organized learning to be widely practiced throughout the country, analyzing its ability to transform communities and consolidating a community of SOLE Ambassadors and network of volunteers to encourage learning. The aim is to stimulate curiosity and creativity, technological fluidity, collaboration, self-direction, critical thinking, communication skills, global connections and generally, have fun. Our main goal is to scale this project so that it can reach more than 1,400 public libraries, more than 42,000 public schools and more than 8,000 public kiosks throughout the country, as well as participate from the peace-building process reaching hundreds of rural communities affected by the civil conflict.

About GlobalGiving

GlobalGiving is the first and largest global crowdfunding community that connects nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country around the world. GlobalGiving makes it possible for local organizations to access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective and make the world a better place. Any registered nonprofit is welcome to apply for the GlobalGiving Accelerator Program:»

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